Creating a Proxy User to run an SSIS package in SQL Server Agent

There have been a number of times over the years when I have had to create a Proxy user in SQL Server in order to provide needed access to connections and locations being used in an SSIS package.  Sometimes the SQL Server Agent login account simply doesn’t and shouldn’t have the required permissions. 

Before using a Proxy account, do check to see if the permissions issue isn’t just that the SQL Server Agent login account has been set up as ‘Local System’.  If that is the case, see if you can change it to a domain account specifically created for SQL Server Agent purposes.  Check Administrative Tools -> Services on the server where the SSIS SQL Server resides to see what login account the SQL Server Agent is mapped to.

The user mapped to the SQL Server Agent Service Account will need read/write permissions.  If you do need to create a new domain login for the SQL Server agent, in SSMS go to Server-> Security (not database security) -> Logins -> left click New Login -> Search -> Locations button -> Entire Directory -> select main domain ->OK -> Sql Agent username-> Check Names button-> OK-> Server Roles-> sysadmin-> OK..

If it turns out that you need to create an SSIS proxy user, edit this script to use the correct username and password and run it to create the proxy user.

USE master 
-- Create a proxy credential for xp_cmdshell.
EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account 'DOMAIN\username', 'password';--SELECT  * FROM [master].[sys].[credentials]
-- Grant execute permission on xp_cmdshell to the SQL Server login account. 
GRANT exec ON sys.xp_cmdshell TO [DOMAIN\username] 

-- Create a credential containing the domain account PowerDomain\PowerUser and its password
USE [msdb]
-- Create a new proxy called SSISProxy and assign the PowerUser credentail to it
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_proxy @proxy_name=N'MyProxy',@credential_name=N'MyCredential',@enabled=1
-- Grant SSISProxy access to the "SSIS package execution" subsystem
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem @proxy_name=N'MyProxy', @subsystem_id=11
-- Grant the login testUser the permissions to use SSISProxy
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_login_to_proxy @login_name = N'DOMAIN\username', @proxy_name=N'MyProxy'

You will be able to see the proxy user in SSMS under SQL Server Agent.  Is is in the SSIS PAckage Execution section because we added it to the SSIS subsystem in our code.



Now when you create your SQL Server Agent Job you can choose to run the SSIS package as your proxy user with the required permissions,rather than the SQL Server Agent account.


SSIS Excel Refresh Task

CodePlex has a great new toolbox item for SSIS projects in Visual Studio 2012.  It’s called the SSIS Excel Refresh Task. It allows you to refresh a whole Excel file or single queries of your Excel sheet.  It works for PowerPivot models as well.

There isn’t a lot of instruction on how to install or use it, so I will blog it here. 

  1. Close Visual Studio 2012
  2. Install the SSDT Business Intelligence project templates for Visual Studio 2012 if you don’t already have them.  This will allow you to create an SSIS project.
  3. Download the SSIS Excel Refresh task from here
  4. Open Visual Studio 2012 and create an Integration Services project and create a package.
  5. You won’t see the new SSIS Excel Refresh Task in the toolbox the first time.  You have to right click inside the SSIS toolbox and select Refresh Toolbox.  The task will appear in the Common section of the toolbox.



If you are using Windows Authentication in your Excel Data Connection, then you need to ensure that the user driving the SSIS update will authenticate to your data source. If you are using SQL Authentication, then you need to set the password to be saved, so that SSIS won’t get a nasty message box looking for the password.  This means that anyone opening the Excel file will have access to the data and to the password, since the password is stored without encryption in the workbook.

  1. In the Data tab, select Connections.
  2. Open up the properties for each connection which will be refreshed automatically by the refresh task. 
  3. Click on the Defintion tab and check the Save Password check box


  1. Drag a sequence container onto the Control Flow.
  2. Drag the Refresh Microsoft Excel Task into the sequence container


3. MAKE SURE the Excel file you want to refresh is closed.  Check that it is not locked by another user, otherwise the next step will hang.  Test this by opening and closing the file before continuing.

4. Double click on the Refresh Microsoft Excel Task to edit the properties.  Click the NEW button to create a connection to your Excel file.



5. Once you create the connection, there is a short wait while the component finds the OLEDB Connections.  From here you can do one of two things: 

a)  You can refresh ALL of the connections in the workbook


or b) You can refresh specific connections in the workbook


6. The component isn’t notified when the update process is finished, so a timeout needs to be manually defined, or dynamically based on the file size.  To have it dynamically defined select the Dynamic Timeout Calculation. This is the best option for growing files.  Be aware that the calculation is not guaranteed, and refresh may still not be complete after the timeout. You’ll want to be aware of this and keep an eye on it. 


7. You need to set the IgnoreTimeoutWarning explicitly to turn off the warning on the task.  This is to remind you of the risk of incomplete updates due to the timeout issue described above.


8.  Selecting ‘Create a backup before refreshing will create a copy of your spreadsheet in the same folder where the spreadsheet is, and on successful update it will delete the copy.


The tricky bit is, you don’t get an error message if the update is not successful, due to a timeout or some other reason. 

That’s all there is to it.  Simple and effective.  As evidenced by an internet search on this task, it is much easier than writing custom VB scripts to do this for you.

Batch GeoCoding in SSIS

I’ve had to do some geocoding of addresses. It used to be free to process a lot of addresses, but now that this is a more mainstream activity you generally have to purchase an Enterprise License.  This can cost upwards of $10,000.  If you have a very small number of addresses you can use a free service like Bing Maps, which currently allows you to process 50 records at a time, and run 5 jobs per 24 hours.  This means a maximum of 250 per day.  If you want to check out how this works, here’s how.

Install the free Codeplex SSIS Batch Geocoder into your Visual Studio environment

Get a Bing Maps Key

You need to have or set up a Microsoft account to get a key.  Follow the instructions to get a Basic Key.  If you have a large number of addresses you will want to look into purchasing an Enterprise License.

Set up an SSIS project

Create a Visual Studio SSIS project.  If you can’t see the toolbox, in the Visual Studio Menu choose View – Other Windows – SSIS Toolbox.  If you can’t see the Variables window, in the Visual Studio Menu choose View – Other Windows – Variables.

Add these two string variables to your project: BingMapsKey and JobDescription. Set the value of the BingMapsKey variable to the key you obtain from Bing Maps.  Set the JobDescription variable to “Geolookup from address”

Add a Data Flow Task.  Open up the Data Flow Task. On the Data Flow Task add these four items:


Configure the OLE DB Source to connect to the table that contains the addresses.

Configure the Derived Columns like this:


Configure the SSIS Batch Geocoder like this, using the two variables as the Bing Maps Key and the Job Description, and mapping any other relevant columns from your data.


Configure the OLE DB Destination to wherever you want your output to reside.  Choose whichever output fields meet your needs.  The latitude and longitude output can be stored in a field of SQL data type “Geography”.

In preparing this post I found these articles helpful.

Loop through dynamic SQL statements in SSIS

This is a situation where the data from a number of tables with the same structure needs to be imported into a single table.  Rather than hard coding multiple data flows from source to destination, you can loop through each SQL statement using a single data flow by building a dynamic SQL statement.  This simple package loops through each table name to accomplish just that.  It also has a secondary loop to pivot some hard coded week numbers in the field names.


The data source is a series of tables with the same structure. Each one holds a different set of planning data.  The fields have the fiscal month hard coded into the name, rather than have Week Number as an attribute.


The destination not only needs to map multiple tables to a single table, but it also needs to pivot the fiscal month weeks.




To accomplish this I hard coded the table names into the For Each loop, but an object variable could just as easily done this. 










In the script portion, write a simple script which uses the variables and embeds them in the SQL statement you are writing.  This outputs to your SQLStatement variable to be used in the data flow.

    Public Sub Main()

        Dim WeekNo As Integer
        Dim TableName As String
        Dim SQLStmt As Object

        WeekNo = Dts.Variables("WeekNo").Value
        TableName = Dts.Variables("TableName").Value
        SQLStmt = "SELECT [Version Code] as Plan_Version, [Fiscal Year] as FiscalYear,[Fiscal Month Sequence] FiscalMonth, " & WeekNo & " as FiscalWeek, convert(numeric(38,20),[SLS NET $ W" & WeekNo & "]) as Sales, FROM " & TableName
        Dts.Variables("SQLStatement").Value = SQLStmt

        Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub

To set up the data flow, you must first enter a valid SQL Statement in the SQLStatement variable.  Your variable will then be replaced with a new one during each loop. 


I hope you find this useful.

How to Enable Custom Logging for an SSIS Script Task

At times I like to capture certain errors and events that occur in a Script Task in an SSIS package, and include them in the package logging.  In order to make this happen simply include the appropriate statements in your Script Task and turn on some custom logging within the package logging configuration.

Add a Dts.Log statments to your vb Script Task.  For example:

            Dim dataBytes(0) As Byte
            Dts.Log("Did not find expected database", 0, dataBytes)

In order for this message to be included in the [sysssislog] table simply right click on the package Control Flow surface, and select Logging. Within the Containers window, drill down to your Script Task.


Check the box beside the Script Task until it has a black check mark, instead of a greyed out check mark. In the Providers and Logs tab select the log you want to write to.


On the Details tab select the Events you wish to log, and be sure to select the ScriptTaskLogEntry.


Click OK and you’re done.  Your custom messages will be included in the package logs.

Moving SharePoint Documents to the File System

You’ll want to read my previous post Moving SharePoint List Attachments to the File System, to get all the details and requirements for setting up and running these SSIS script tasks.

This is an SSIS Package code which will iterate through the document library to get some relevant information about the documents, and then move specified documents from a document library to the file system.

I will just explain the two script tasks steps, as the rest will be specific to your task.


Populate SP_ExpenseAttachments Sript Task

This code iterate through the document library to get some relevant information about the documents

using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Net;

namespace ST_573f63e769424529b4c14ec196d01e4f.csproj
    [System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Description = "")]
    public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase

        #region VSTA generated code
        enum ScriptResults
            Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
            Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure

        The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
        To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
        and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.

        To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables["MyCaseSensitiveVariableName"].Value;
        To post a log entry, call Dts.Log("This is my log text", 999, null);
        To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, "test", "hit the help message", "", 0, true);

        To use the connections collection use something like the following:
        ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
        cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;";

        Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.

        To open Help, press F1.

        public void Main()
            // Read the Library document info and write it to a SQL table

            string SharePointSite = (string)Dts.Variables["SPSite"].Value;
            SPSite mySite = new SPSite(SharePointSite);
            SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb();
            SPList myList = myWeb.Lists["ExpenseAttachments"];
            SPDocumentLibrary myLibrary = (SPDocumentLibrary)myList;
            SPListItemCollection collListItems = myLibrary.Items;

            foreach (SPListItem myListItem in collListItems)
               String ItemId = myListItem.ID.ToString();
               String attachmentAbsoluteURL = SharePointSite + "/" + myListItem.File.Url;

                String attachmentname = myListItem.File.Name;

                //Set up SQL Connection

                string sSqlConn = Dts.Variables["SqlConn"].Value.ToString();
                SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(sSqlConn);
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                SqlDataReader reader;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

                cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SP_ExpenseAttachments (WorkflowName,DocumentLibrarySharePointID,AttachmentName,AttachmentURL) VALUES ('Expense','" + ItemId + "','" + attachmentname + "','" + attachmentAbsoluteURL + "')";

                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();


                    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
Read Attachment information and move Expense attachments

This code accepts a document id from a variable, populates some relevant information about the document into a SQL table and copies and renames the document to the file system.

using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Net;

namespace ST_573f63e769424529b4c14ec196d01e4f.csproj
    [System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Description = "")]
    public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase

        #region VSTA generated code
        enum ScriptResults
            Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
            Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure

        The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
        To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
        and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.

        To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables["MyCaseSensitiveVariableName"].Value;
        To post a log entry, call Dts.Log("This is my log text", 999, null);
        To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, "test", "hit the help message", "", 0, true);

        To use the connections collection use something like the following:
        ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
        cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;";

        Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.

        To open Help, press F1.

        public void Main()
            // Read the document info and write it to a SQL table

            string SharePointSite = (string)Dts.Variables["SPSite"].Value;
            SPSite mySite = new SPSite(SharePointSite);
            SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb();
            SPList myList = myWeb.Lists["ExpenseAttachments"];
            SPDocumentLibrary myLibrary = (SPDocumentLibrary)myList;
            SPListItemCollection collListItems = myLibrary.Items;

            int ItemID = (int)Dts.Variables["ItemID"].Value;
            String sItemID = ItemID.ToString();

            SPListItem myListItem = myList.GetItemById(ItemID);
            String attachmentAbsoluteURL = SharePointSite + "/" + myListItem.File.Url;

                String attachmentname = myListItem.File.Name;

                //Set up SQL Connection

                string sSqlConn = Dts.Variables["SqlConn"].Value.ToString();
                SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(sSqlConn);
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                SqlDataReader reader;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

                cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SP_Attachments  (WorkflowName, DocumentLibrarySharePointID, AttachmentName, AttachmentURL, Moved, NewFileName) VALUES ('Expense','" + ItemID +"','" + attachmentname + "','" + attachmentAbsoluteURL + "','" + 0 + "','E' + RIGHT('00000000000' + CAST(" + ItemID + " as VARCHAR),11)" + ")";

                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                string MRI = (string)Dts.Variables["MRI_File_Location"].Value;
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(MRI);

                if (dir.Exists)

                    // Create the filename for local storage using 
                    String FileExt = attachmentname.Substring(attachmentname.Length-4);
                    String ItemNum = "00000000000" + sItemID;
                    String ItemName = ItemNum.Substring(sItemID.Length, 11);
                    String FileName = "\E" + ItemName + FileExt;
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + FileName);

                    if (!file.Exists)
                        if (attachmentAbsoluteURL.Length != 0)
                            // download the file from SharePoint or Archive file system to local folder 
                            WebClient client = new WebClient();

                            //download the file from SharePoint 

                            client.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                            client.DownloadFile(attachmentAbsoluteURL, file.FullName);

                        //Mark record as Moved
                        DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;
                        cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE SP_Attachments SET Moved = 1, Moved_Date = '" + Now + "' WHERE WorkflowName = 'Expense' and DocumentLibrarySharePointID = '" + ItemID + "'";
                        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();


                    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;

Moving SharePoint List Attachments to the File System

You can use a Script Task in SSIS to move SharePoint list attachments to the file system.  This C# code references the Microsoft.SharePoint assembly. It’s very important to note that the the SharePoint attachments have to be on the same server that the package is running on.  Thes means that the package can only run on SSIS installed on the SharePoint box where the attachments are.  You will need to install SSIS and the corresponding msdb database on your SharePoint server if it isn’t already installed.

This is what the final package looks like:


Most of the these tasks are self explanatory and you’ll need to set up your own tables and logic to accomplish the goals of your package.  You’ll want a table that tells you which items have attachments.  See this post for details on how to import data from a SharePoint list.  Attachments is one of the fields you can import, which is simply a bit that says whether or not the list item has any attachments.

These are the variables used in the package:


For Each Loop:




Variables used in the script task:


References needed in the script task:



Here is the C# code:

using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Net;

namespace ST_573f63e769424529b4c14ec196d01e4f.csproj
    [System.AddIn.AddIn("ScriptMain", Version = "1.0", Publisher = "", Description = "")]
    public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase

        #region VSTA generated code
        enum ScriptResults
            Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
            Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure

        The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
        To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
        and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.

        To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables["MyCaseSensitiveVariableName"].Value;
        To post a log entry, call Dts.Log("This is my log text", 999, null);
        To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, "test", "hit the help message", "", 0, true);

        To use the connections collection use something like the following:
        ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
        cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;";

        Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.

        To open Help, press F1.

        public void Main()
            // Read the attachments info and write it to a SQL table

            string SharePointSite = (string)Dts.Variables["SPSite"].Value;
            SPSite mySite = new SPSite(SharePointSite);
            //SPSite mySite = new SPSite("http://primenetdev/forms");
            SPWeb myweb = mySite.OpenWeb();
            SPList myList = myweb.Lists["Fitness Reimbursement Authorization"];

            int ItemID = (int)Dts.Variables["ItemID"].Value;
            SPListItem myListItem = myList.GetItemById(ItemID);
            int i = 1;
            foreach (String attachmentname in myListItem.Attachments)
                //                MessageBox.Show("Each attachment");
                String attachmentAbsoluteURL =
                myListItem.Attachments.UrlPrefix // gets the containing directory URL
                + attachmentname;

                //Set up SQL Connection

                string sSqlConn = Dts.Variables["SqlConn"].Value.ToString();

                SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(sSqlConn);

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

                SqlDataReader reader;

                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

                //If its the first attachement, name it 12 digits ending in the Item ID
                if ((i.Equals(1)))
                    cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SP_Attachments  (WorkflowName, ItemSharePointID, AttachmentName, AttachmentURL, Moved, NewFileName) VALUES ('Fitness','" + ItemID + "','" + attachmentname + "','" + attachmentAbsoluteURL + "','" + 0 + "','F' + RIGHT('00000000000' + CAST(" + ItemID + " as VARCHAR),11)" + ")";
                //Otherwise append an attachment id
                    cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SP_Attachments  (WorkflowName, ItemSharePointID, AttachmentName, AttachmentURL, Moved, NewFileName) VALUES ('Fitness','" + ItemID + "','" + attachmentname + "','" + attachmentAbsoluteURL + "','" + 0 + "','F' + RIGHT('00000000000' + CAST(" + ItemID + " as VARCHAR),11) + CAST(" + i + "as VARCHAR))";
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                string MRI = (string)Dts.Variables["MRI_File_Location"].Value;
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(MRI);

                if (dir.Exists)

                    // Create the filename for local storage using 

                    String ItemNum = "00000000000" + ItemID.ToString();
                    String ItemName = ItemNum.Substring(ItemID.ToString().Length, 11);
                    String FileName = "\F" + ItemName + i;
                    //If its the first attachement, name it 12 digits ending in the Item ID, otherwise append which attachement it is
                    if ((i.Equals(1)))
                        FileName = "\F" + ItemName;
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(dir.FullName + FileName);
                    i = i + 1;

                    if (!file.Exists)

                        if (attachmentAbsoluteURL.Length != 0)
                            // download the file from SharePoint or Archive file system to local folder 

                            WebClient client = new WebClient();

                            //if (Strings.Left(fileUrl, 4).ToLower() == "http") {
                            //download the file from SharePoint 

                            client.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                            client.DownloadFile(attachmentAbsoluteURL, file.FullName);

                        //Mark record as Moved
                        DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;
                        cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE SP_Attachments SET Moved = 1, Moved_Date = '" + Now + "' WHERE ItemSharePointID = '" + ItemID + "'";
                        reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                        //            MessageBox.Show("End");


                    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;

Importing Empty Fields from Active Directory

Further to the series of posts on importing data from Active Directory, I’ve run into a new issue.  For this client I built the exact same solution as described here Getting Around Active Directory Paging on SSIS Import, but got this lovely error message: “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.” It turns out there were empty values in some of the single-value fields.  I hadn’t run into this previously, but I found a neat solution.

In the original solution I outlined how to create a simple SSIS script task in C# to import single value fields from Active Directory. I’ve added to this code to create a solution to import empty single-value fields.

A For Each statement for single-value fields has been added  to the script to check if the field is empty before setting the variable value. Even though there is only one possible value for a single value field, the For Each statement still works nicely to check if it’s empty.  Here is the code snippet of the For Each statement:

//If the property is null, set the variable to blank, else set it to the value in the property string Mail = ""; ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollectionMail = results.Properties["Mail"]; foreach (String sField in valueCollectionMail) { //Replace any single quotes with two single quotes for SQL Statement

Mail = sField.Replace("'", "''"); }

Here is the complete code.  for more details on how to create the SSIS package and set up the references for the script task, please see Getting Around Active Directory Paging on SSIS Import.

        public void Main()
 //Set up the AD connection;
using (DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher())
//Edit the filter for your purposes;
ds.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user))";
ds.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
ds.PageSize = 1000;
//This will page through the records 1000 at a time;
//Set up SQL Connection
string sSqlConn = Dts.Variables["SqlConn"].Value.ToString();
SqlConnection sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(sSqlConn);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataReader reader;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;
//Read all records in AD that meet the search criteria into a Collection
using (SearchResultCollection src = ds.FindAll())
//For each record object in the Collection, insert a record into the SQL table
foreach (SearchResult results in src)
    string sAMAccountName = results.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString();
    string objectClass = results.Properties["objectClass"][0].ToString();

    //If the property is null, set the variable to blank, otherweise set it to the value in the property
    string Mail = "";
    ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollectionMail = results.Properties["Mail"];
    foreach (String sField in valueCollectionMail)
        Mail = sField.Replace("'", "''"); //Replace any single quotes with two single quotes for SQL Statement

    //If the property is null, set the variable to blank, otherweise set it to the value in the property
    string displayName = "";
    ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollectiondisplayName = results.Properties["displayName"];
    foreach (String sField in valueCollectiondisplayName)
        displayName = sField.Replace("'", "''"); //Replace any single quotes with two single quotes for SQL Statement


cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO AD_Users (sAMAccountName, objectClass, Mail, displayName) VALUES ('" + sAMAccountName + "','" + objectClass + "','" + Mail + "','" + displayName +"')";
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
} } } }


Here are links to the other posts in the Active Directory series:

Importing Data from Active Directory using SSIS Data Flows

How to Query Multi-Value Fields in Active Directory using SSIS

How to Query Multi Value fields in Active Directory using SSIS

Apparently what’s even more difficult than importing data from AD is figuring out how to import multi-value objects from Active Directory.  “Description” is an example of a standard AD multi-value field.  My client had many custom multi-value fields added to AD and needed to import the data from these fields into tables in a database.  You can accomplish this easily this by adding a bit of code to the C# code importing the single value attributes as outlined in my previous post Getting Around AD Paging on SSIS Import

This C# code is much simpler than trying to import each multi-value field using a Data Flow task.  Using Data Flow tasks can be done but it has some tricky problems like importing only those records with values in the multi-value field, working around paging, and how to deal with apparently empty objects that your query returns even though you specified that it only return those objects with values.  It’s also quite a bit slower as you need to populate variables and pass those variables to loops to iterate thru the multi-values for one account at a time.

Here is the code for importing one multi-value attribute into a table.  This code should be placed at an appropriate spot within the  “foreach (SearchResults” loop outlined in the Getting Around AD Paging on SSIS Import post.


string propertyName = “Description”; //or whichever multi-value field you are importing

ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollection = results.Properties[propertyName];

//Iterate thru the collection for the user and insert each value from the multi-value field into a table

foreach (String sMultiValueField in valueCollection)


string sValue = sMultiValueField.Replace(“‘”, “””); //Replace any single quotes with double quotes


cmd.CommandText =

“INSERT INTO User_Descriptions (sAMAccountName,Description) VALUES (‘” + sAMAccountName + “‘,'” + sValue + “‘)”;

reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();



The nice thing about this code is that you can iterate through any records, even if the multi-value field is empty.  It won’t fail, it just won’t return a record.  This means you can add this same chunk of code multiple times edited for several different multi-value fields within the same script task, and have all your tables updated using the same script.  The package is very easy to maintain, with no package variables, no complex package logic, just a simple script.  Very elegant!